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fmichel [2023/06/26 13:14]
fmichel [Talks]
fmichel [2024/09/18 10:50] (current)
fmichel [Software Development]
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 <​jumbotron>​ <​jumbotron>​
 ===== Franck Michel ===== ===== Franck Michel =====
-[[http://​|Université Côte d’Azur]], [[https://​​|CNRS]],​ [[https://​​|Inria]], [[http://​​|I3S]] laboratory.+[[http://​|Université Côte d’Azur]], [[https://​​|CNRS]],​ [[https://​​|Inria]].
 {{:​franckmichel2_600.jpg?​nolink&​130 | }} {{:​franckmichel2_600.jpg?​nolink&​130 | }}
-Research ​engineer involved in the **<text type="​primary">​integration of heterogeneous data</​text>​** and their publication and sharing as **<text type="​primary">​Knowledge Graphs</​text>​** on the Web, using knowledge engineering,​ the Semantic Web and **<text type="​primary">​Linked Open Data</​text>​** technologies.+I am a CNRS research ​engineer involved in the **<text type="​primary">​integration of heterogeneous data</​text>​** and their publication and sharing as **<text type="​primary">​Knowledge Graphs</​text>​** on the Web, using knowledge engineering,​ the Semantic Web and **<text type="​primary">​Linked Open Data</​text>​** technologies. 
 +I am a member of [[http://​​|I3S]] laboratory'​s [[https://​​|SPARKS]] group, and a member of [[https://​​|Inria]]'​s [[https://​​wimmics/​|Wimmics]] team. 
 </​jumbotron>​ </​jumbotron>​
-===== Research ​interests ​=====+===== Research ​activities ​=====
-<panel type="​default"​ title="​Knowledge Graphs, Heterogeneous ​Data Sharing, Linked ​Data" icon="​fa fa-house">​+<panel type="​default"​ title="​Knowledge Graphs, ​Integration of Heterogeneous Data" icon="​fa fa-house">​
 I am involved in research activities meant to enable the **integration of heterogeneous data** based on a **knowledge engineering** approach, as well as the sharing and reuse of these data. My work addresses several research questions: I am involved in research activities meant to enable the **integration of heterogeneous data** based on a **knowledge engineering** approach, as well as the sharing and reuse of these data. My work addresses several research questions:
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 </​panel>​ </​panel>​
-<panel type="​default"​ title="​Large-scale distributed computing infrastructures" icon="​fa fa-house">​+<panel type="​default"​ title="​Research projects and communities ​" icon="​fa fa-house">​
-Since I joined ​the CNRS in 2011, have been involved in various support activities related to the administration and operation of the [[http://​|European Grid Infrastructure ​]] (EGI). I am the technical coordinator of the [[|Life Sciences Grid Community]] (LSGC), a virtual research community to support life-science applications on EGI. I coordinate the activity of the team responsible for providing technical support to the LSGC users in their usage of the infrastructure. +Here are the main projects ​I'm currently ​involved in
-I was the instigator and leader of the [[|VO Administration and Operations Portal]], funded by the [[|EGI-InSPIRE]] european project+  * [[http://​|D2KAB]] (ANR): From Data to Knowledge in Agronomy, Agriculture and Biodiversity 
-</panel>+  * [[|DeKaloG]] (ANR): Decentralized Knowledge Graphs 
 +  ​* ​[[|ISSA 2]] (Collex-Persée):​ Indexation Sémantique d'une archive scientifique et Services Associés pour la science ouverte 
 +  * [[https://​​frmichel/​sparql-micro-service|SPARQL micro-services]] 
 +  * [[|TAXREF-LD]]: the French Linked Data Taxonomic Registry 
 +  * [[​|DBpedia French chapter]] 
 +  * [[https://​​Wimmics/​CovidOnTheWeb|Covid on the Web]]
 +Here are the community projects I'm currently involved in:
 +  * [[https://​​|Bioschemas]]:​ for Life Sciences
 +  * [[https://​​community/​kg-construct/​|Knowledge Graph Construction W3C Community Group]]
 ===== Publications ===== ===== Publications =====
-{{url>​https://​​Public/​afficheRequetePubli.php?​idHal=fmichel&​peerReviewing=Oui&​CB_auteur=oui&​CB_titre=oui&​CB_article=oui&​CB_vignette=oui&​langue=Anglais&​tri_exp=annee_publi&​tri_exp2=typdoc&​ordre_aff=TA&​Fen=Aff&​css=../​css/​styles_publicationsHAL.css ​100%,​400px ​noborder}}+{{url>​https://​​Public/​afficheRequetePubli.php?​idHal=fmichel&​CB_auteur=oui&​CB_titre=oui&​CB_article=oui&​CB_vignette=oui&​langue=Anglais&​tri_exp=annee_publi&​tri_exp2=typdoc&​ordre_aff=TA&​Fen=Aff&​css=../​css/​styles_publicationsHAL.css%20100%,400px%20noborder}}
 Complete list of publications and communications:​ [[https://​​fmichel/​|HAL CV]]. Complete list of publications and communications:​ [[https://​​fmichel/​|HAL CV]].
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 ===== Selected talks ===== ===== Selected talks =====
-=== [article+code+data]: A virtuous triptych towards reproducible research (in French) ​===+===  Open Science, reproducibible research, and the citation of articles, ​code and data alike ===
-Given for the SPARKS team of the I3S laboratory, 2023-04-06.+Given 2024-04-04.
-{{url>​https://​​embed/​ciiUiqMQk74 ​200,150 noscroll YouTube player}}+{{url>​https://​​embed/​MqlEqaBXUyY ​200,150 noscroll YouTube player}}
 === ISSA: Generic Knowledge Model and Visualization tools to Help Scientists Make Sense of Archive === === ISSA: Generic Knowledge Model and Visualization tools to Help Scientists Make Sense of Archive ===
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 **ISSA Agritrop Dataset**, Semantic index of the Agritrop open scientific archive. **ISSA Agritrop Dataset**, Semantic index of the Agritrop open scientific archive.
-[[https://​​issa-project/​issa-pipeline|github]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.6505847|DOI]]+[[https://​​issa-project/​issa-pipeline|github]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.10381606|DOI]]
 **TAXREF-LD**,​ Linked Data knowledge graph of the French taxonomic register. Franck MICHEL, Catherine FARON, Sandrine TERCERIE, Olivier GARGOMINY. 2017(2022. [[https://​​frmichel/​taxref-ld/​|github]] [[http://​​sparql|sparql]] [[https://​​hal-01617708|article]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.5876775|DOI]] **TAXREF-LD**,​ Linked Data knowledge graph of the French taxonomic register. Franck MICHEL, Catherine FARON, Sandrine TERCERIE, Olivier GARGOMINY. 2017(2022. [[https://​​frmichel/​taxref-ld/​|github]] [[http://​​sparql|sparql]] [[https://​​hal-01617708|article]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.5876775|DOI]]
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 **WeKG-MF**,​ Weather Knowledge Graph of Météo France Meteorological Observations. 2022. [[https://​​Wimmics/​weather-kg|github]] [[http://​​sparql|sparql]] [[https://​​hal-03619869/​|article]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.5925413|DOI]] **WeKG-MF**,​ Weather Knowledge Graph of Météo France Meteorological Observations. 2022. [[https://​​Wimmics/​weather-kg|github]] [[http://​​sparql|sparql]] [[https://​​hal-03619869/​|article]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.5925413|DOI]]
 +**WheatGenomicsSLKG**,​ Wheat Genomics Scientific Literature Knowledge Graph. 2023. [[https://​​Wimmics/​WheatGenomicsSLKG|github]] [[http://​​sparql|sparql]] [[https://​​10.5281/​zenodo.10410742|DOI]]
 ===== Software Development ===== ===== Software Development =====
 +**ISSA visualization and search web application**:​ Franck MICHEL, Youssef Mekouar (2022).
 +Github: [[https://​​issa-project/​web-visualization/​|visu]] and [[https://​​issa-project/​web-backend/​|backend]]
 +**ISSA Processing Pipeline**: Anna Bobasheva, Franck MICHEL (2022).
 **SPARQL Micro-Services:​ Querying Web APIs with SPARQL**. Franck Michel. 2018. **SPARQL Micro-Services:​ Querying Web APIs with SPARQL**. Franck Michel. 2018.
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 **Morph-xR2RML:​ MongoDB-to-RDF translation and SPARQL rewriting**:​ Franck Michel, Freddy Pryiatna. Implementation of the xR2RML mapping language for MongoDB databases. 2017. **Morph-xR2RML:​ MongoDB-to-RDF translation and SPARQL rewriting**:​ Franck Michel, Freddy Pryiatna. Implementation of the xR2RML mapping language for MongoDB databases. 2017.
 [[https://​​frmichel/​morph-xr2rml/​|github]] [[https://​​frmichel/​morph-xr2rml/​|github]]
 **The VO Administration and operations PORtal (VAPOR)**. Franck Michel, Flavien Forestier. 2014. **The VO Administration and operations PORtal (VAPOR)**. Franck Michel, Flavien Forestier. 2014.
 [[https://​​wiki/​VT_VAPOR|web]] [[https://​​wiki/​VT_VAPOR|web]]
 **EGI Virtual Organisations Support Tools**. Franck Michel. 2013. **EGI Virtual Organisations Support Tools**. Franck Michel. 2013.
 [[https://​​frmichel/​vo-support-tools|web]] [[https://​​frmichel/​vo-support-tools|web]]
 **NeuroLOG platform**. Alban Gaignard, Franck Michel, Johan Montagnat, Javier Rojas Balderrama, Farooq Ahmad, Bacem Wali. 2008. **NeuroLOG platform**. Alban Gaignard, Franck Michel, Johan Montagnat, Javier Rojas Balderrama, Farooq Ahmad, Bacem Wali. 2008.
 [[http://​​|web]] [[http://​​|web]]
-===== Research projects and communities ===== 
-Here are the main projects I'm currently involved in: 
-  * [[http://​​|D2KAB]] (ANR): From Data to Knowledge in Agronomy, Agriculture and Biodiversity 
-  * [[https://​​Projet-ANR-19-CE23-0014|DeKaloG]] (ANR): Decentralized Knowledge Graphs 
-  * [[https://​​Wimmics/​CovidOnTheWeb|Covid on the Web]] 
-  * [[https://​​frmichel/​sparql-micro-service|SPARQL micro-services]] 
-  * [[https://​​frmichel/​taxref-ld/​|TAXREF-LD]]:​ the French Linked Data Taxonomic Registry 
-  * [[https://​​|ISSA]] (Collex-Persée):​ Indexation Sémantique d'une archive scientifique et Services Associés pour la science ouverte 
-  * [[http://​​|DBpedia French chapter]] 
-Here are the community projects I'm currently involved in: 
-  * [[https://​​|Bioschemas]]:​ for Life Sciences 
-  * [[https://​​community/​kg-construct/​|Knowledge Graph Construction W3C Community Group]] 
 ===== Background and Position ===== ===== Background and Position =====
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 I was/am a member of the program committees for the following conferences and/or workshops: I was/am a member of the program committees for the following conferences and/or workshops:
 +  * [[https://​​|ECAI 2024]], European Conference on AI
 +  * [[https://​​|ESWC 2024]], The Extended Semantic Web Conference
 +  * [[https://​​|The Web Conference 2024]], The Extended Semantic Web Conference
 +  * [[https://​​|SEMANTiCS 2023]], 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems
   * [[https://​​|ESWC 2022]], The Extended Semantic Web Conference   * [[https://​​|ESWC 2022]], The Extended Semantic Web Conference
   * [[https://​https://​​workshop/​2022/​|KGCW 2022]], Third International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction   * [[https://​https://​​workshop/​2022/​|KGCW 2022]], Third International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction
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-==== LLMS as the components of a conscious AI? ====+==== Large Language Models ​as the components of a conscious AI? ====
 AIs, and LLMs in particular, are not conscious. They are reactive systems, they respond to an input by producing an output. AIs, and LLMs in particular, are not conscious. They are reactive systems, they respond to an input by producing an output.
  • fmichel.1687778062.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/06/26 13:14
  • by fmichel