====== Teaching Programs ====== SPARKS members are involved in education programs from Bachelors to PhD (College, Bachelor, Masters, Engineering school), including Masters specializations, continuous education and thematic Schools. Five curricula of [[http://informatique.polytechnice.fr/jahia/Jahia/informatique/scolarite/IFI|Master IFI]] at [[http://www.polytechnice.fr|Polytech'Nice]] are led by SPARKS members: Software architecture (AL), Security (CASPAR), Ubiquitous Computing (IAM), User interactions (IHM), and Web. Apprenticeship is also managed by a team member. These responsibilities imply a continuous updating of pedagogical contents, both through the maintenance of good industrial relations and through the involvement of other lecturers, sometimes coming from other universities. The [[http://miage.unice.fr/|Master MIAGE]] (Business Informatics) of the University Nice Sophia Antipolis has SPARKS as its reference research team: a number of research internships is given every year to MIAGE Master’s students and some of the interns continue with a thesis in the team.