Teaching Programs

SPARKS members are involved in education programs from Bachelors to PhD (College, Bachelor, Masters, Engineering school), including Masters specializations, continuous education and thematic Schools.

Five curricula of Master IFI at Polytech'Nice are led by SPARKS members: Software architecture (AL), Security (CASPAR), Ubiquitous Computing (IAM), User interactions (IHM), and Web. Apprenticeship is also managed by a team member. These responsibilities imply a continuous updating of pedagogical contents, both through the maintenance of good industrial relations and through the involvement of other lecturers, sometimes coming from other universities.

The Master MIAGE (Business Informatics) of the University Nice Sophia Antipolis has SPARKS as its reference research team: a number of research internships is given every year to MIAGE Master’s students and some of the interns continue with a thesis in the team.

  • teaching.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/11/13 23:01
  • by johan