Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria.
I am a CNRS research engineer involved in the integration of heterogeneous data and their publication and sharing as Knowledge Graphs on the Web, using knowledge engineering, the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data technologies.
I am a member of I3S laboratory, and a member of Inria's Wimmics team.
I am involved in research activities meant to enable the integration of heterogeneous data based on a knowledge engineering approach, as well as the sharing and reuse of these data. My work addresses several research questions:
These research questions are applied to various domains, in particular agronomy, agriculture and biodiversity, but also ancient literature and music.
Here are some projects I am or was involved in:
Here are the community projects I'm currently involved in:
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria - I3S, UMR 7271
930 route des Colles - Bât. Les Templiers
BP 145 - 06903 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - France
Email: franck [dot] michel [at] inria [dot] fr
Find me on: ResearchGate, Github, LinkedIn, Twitter, SlideShare, Flickr, Instagram
Given 2024-09-10.
Given 2024-04-04.
Wimmics Monthly Seminar 2022-12-15 / ISWC 2022 resource track replay
Presented at the ISWC 2020 conference, resource track.
TDWG webinar series, 2021-03.
DIADE research unit seminars (http://diade.ird.fr), 2021-04-13.
Here are some open datasets in which creation and/or publication I participated to.
ISSA Agritrop Dataset, Semantic index of the Agritrop open scientific archive. github DOI
TAXREF-LD, Linked Data knowledge graph of the French taxonomic register. 2017-2024. github sparql article DOI
Covid-on-the-Web. Knowledge graph produced by processing the scholarly articles of the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). 2020. github sparql article DOI.
WASABI RDF Knowledge Graph. An RDF representation of the WASABI corpus of songs enriched with metadata extracted from music databases on the Web, and resulting from the processing of song lyrics and from audio analysis. 2020. github sparql article DOI
WeKG-MF, Weather Knowledge Graph of Météo France Meteorological Observations. 2022. github sparql article DOI
WheatGenomicsSLKG, Wheat Genomics Scientific Literature Knowledge Graph. 2023. github sparql DOI
Wheat Observations Knowledge Graph. Soft wheat phenotype observations data including the result of observation campaigns carried out on micro-parcels located in France between 1999 and 2015. Relies on the Plant Phenotype Experiment Ontology (PPEO) and the CO_321 Wheat Crop Ontology. 2024. DOI
ISSA visualization and search web application: Franck MICHEL, Youssef Mekouar (2022). Visualization: github DOI. Backend: github DOI
ISSA Processing Pipeline: Anna Bobasheva, Franck MICHEL (2022). github DOI
WheatGenomicsSLKG visualization and search web application: Franck MICHEL, Youssef Mekouar (2022). Visualization: github DOI. Backend: github DOI
SPARQL Micro-Services: Querying Web APIs with SPARQL. Franck Michel. 2018. github
Morph-xR2RML: MongoDB-to-RDF translation and SPARQL rewriting: Franck Michel, Freddy Pryiatna. Implementation of the xR2RML mapping language for MongoDB databases. 2017. github DOI
The VO Administration and operations PORtal (VAPOR). Franck Michel, Flavien Forestier. 2014. web DOI
EGI Virtual Organisations Support Tools. Franck Michel. 2013. web DOI
NeuroLOG platform. Alban Gaignard, Franck Michel, Johan Montagnat, Javier Rojas Balderrama, Farooq Ahmad, Bacem Wali. 2008. web
I was/am a member of the program committees for the following conferences and/or workshops:
I was/am a member of the organizing committees for the following conferences and/or workshops:
AIs, and LLMs in particular, are not conscious. They are reactive systems, they respond to an input by producing an output. By contrast, consciousness can be defined as the ability to form thoughts for oneself, without the need for external stimulus.
What if we fine-tuned several LLMs to collaborate together, following the model of human psyche.
This way, we could imagine being able to design some sort of a conscious AI system. But this raises multiple questions: How would it be bootstrapped? Individually, each of the 3 LLMs remains a question-answering system, it does not take the initiative of producing an output. So how to start this, and once this starts, how to control the flow? If we skip the conscious model (to try and simulate sleep) and leave the unconscious model talk with itself, could it come up with dreams?
Multiple tools of the daily life consume energy and/or resource even though that's not the intend of the user. These tools must be redesigned with a specific bias towards frugality.
This can be implemented as a default behavior, as a nudge etc. Examples: